Sneak Peak | Hellsing Fanfiction: Castles In The Air

Seras wasn’t sure how long she had spent curled up in her coffin. She barely had the motivation to move as dried blood tears stained her cheeks. One hand rested under her head acting as a pillow, while the other was curled into a fist near her chest. Her wild blonde hair covered most of her face from view. The Hellsing uniform she usually wore had been replaced with a short black dress and black tights, not that there had ended up being much point in doing so. 

Ever since the death of Integra, Seras had been confined to her chambers to await her fate. She hadn’t even been allowed to attend the funeral, despite insisting on her desire to say goodbye. Integra had not only been her boss; she was her friend. The young vampire came to accept long ago that Integra was mortal and that she would never join her and her master in this life. Integra’s role had always been to defeat creatures of the night, not join them. Her humanity was her greatest treasure – her greatest strength. The knight could have killed Seras upon her creation… but she didn’t. She took Seras under her wing and provided her with a new life; a fresh start. She provided her with training, advice, a home… a family. 

Now she was gone…

This day would always come, but Seras had perhaps been in denial that it would come so soon. Time felt different now that she was a vampire. Years now felt like mere days. While Seras’ features remained frozen and unchanging, Integra’s developed lines and wrinkles. Her once platinum blonde hair faded to white, and though she had remained strong to the end, Seras could always tell that her boss couldn’t move like she used to. She never lost her beauty though. And now the time had finally arrived where Integra would no longer be a part of her long, eternal life. 

Her end had been swift, and Seras supposed she should be thankful for that. She had heard it herself. The very moment that the iron maiden’s heart had stopped. The very moment the last breath escaped past her lips. And she hadn’t been there… Seras had promised that she would always be by Integra’s side to protect her, but instead she had been confined to her room by the Round Table. 


How was he coping with all of this? The Draculina had not heard from him since that night. She was alone. Alone and powerless as she awaited what happened next. Like an abandoned puppy, she had tried to reach out to him through their bond, but was only met with a tall concrete wall that refused to budge. He was blocking her out. She desperately wanted to be there for him. She had no idea how all of this was effecting him. He cared for Integra. The woman had been more than a mere master to him. From what Seras could gather, her master had practically helped raise her. Even though her master must be used to death at this point, Seras failed to imagine that even he was immune to feelings of loss. Especially the loss of a master he had been so close to. 

Fresh tears began to burn in the corners of her eyes again. 

Oh, Sir Integra, she thought with a whimper. I’m going to miss you so much. 

The Draculina curled into an even tighter ball and buried her face into her knees. Maybe if she made herself as small as possible, she might just disappear from this world altogether. Her undead heart clenched painfully, almost as if chains had been wrapped around it, pulling tighter and tighter until she felt like she was suffocating. Grief crashed over her like the rough waves of a storm. She barely had time to gasp for air when she reached the surface as another wave would crash into her. Around and around she would roll until she had no idea which way the surface was anymore. Rocks and sharp coral would stab against her skin, but nothing was visible in the darkness of the stormy waters. Seras closed her eyes, just wanting it all to end. 

Something light slithered over her ankle, and Seras gasped as her eyes snapped open. More shadowy ropes curled around her, caressing her wrist and tangling themselves in her hair. Her heart lurched at the sensation, and despite her initial shock, she immediately felt comforted by them. Each touch against her skin made her tingle and relax further into their attentions. 


The lid of her coffin was pried open, but the light of the room’s lamps was instantly blocked by a large figure. A red coat covered most of their form, and their thick black hair hid most of their features save for two glowing red eyes. All Seras could do was stare up in awe at her master. He was all she had left in the world now. Though she hadn’t expect him to come visit her. How had he even done so? Wouldn’t he be under strict orders to stay in his chambers like Seras was? 

A bare hand reached down to gently wipe away a tear from her cheek. 

Wait… bare?

Seras gasped again, and she grabbed hold of her master’s large hand between her much smaller ones. Her sense hadn’t deceived her – his gloves were gone! She was vaguely aware of her master chuckling at her reaction, but the Draculina paid it no mind. She was stunned into silence. Her master seemed content to let her examine his hand as his eyes burned into her. But Seras could simply not get over his un-gloved hands. It was so strange. So unnerving. All her un-life, her master’s power was chained by the rune covered gloves. And now… he was free…

An involuntary shiver wiggled like a worm up her spine, and she quickly hid her fear, not wanting to offend him. It was great that he was free. Wasn’t it? She loved and trusted her master more than anything, but… surely it would be foolish to not be a little cautious about this situation? After all, Seras had seen what her master was capable of at full power during their battle with Millennium. It was probably the reality of the unknown that was her greatest fear. What happened now? Would her master even still want her around? 

“Seras,” he spoke softly again. His expression became more serious and stoic as he stared down at her. He pulled his hand out of her grasp to then rest it on the rim of her coffin. The young vampire wished more than anything right now that she could master the art of telepathy – not that her master would ever allow her in anyway. She could only reach through their bond and get little hints of feelings, but that was it. Right now, Seras wanted to know the full detail of what her master was thinking. Then maybe she would better know what to do or say. Because in this moment, all she could do was remain frozen, like a small prey animal waiting for the predator to make the first move and give chase. 

“There’s no need to cry, my dear,” he said. “All is well.”

Seras couldn’t help but furrow her eyebrows in confusion at that one. 

“With Sir Integra’s death, my ties to this family are now broken. There is nobody left to chain me here. The gloves vanished the moment her heart gave its last beat,” he explained, though there was a strange look in his eye. His hand shook as he gripped the wooden coffin even tighter. Seras’ eyes flickered to his hand as the wood creaked under the pressure, but she didn’t dare utter a word. 

“Again, I offer you a choice, Seras Victoria,” the older vampire continued, not even blinking as he stared intensely into Seras’ eyes. “Will you follow me out into the night?”

Seras already knew her answer, but there were still questions burning at the back of her mind.

“But…” she began cautiously. “What about the round table?”

Alucard grinned. “They have no authority over me.”


“Will be disbanded. No doubt a new organisation will take its place. I don’t intend on sticking around long enough to find out.”
