News: Vacation & Story Update Plans

Bonjour everyone! 

I am once again sorry for the lack of story updates, and for this mini hiatus I seemed to have found myself in again, I've just been going through some stuff. My mental health hasn't exactly been the best, and I've been preparing for my trip to Mexico, where I'll be attending my cousin's (who's practically my sister) wedding. I think chilling on a beach and in a five star hotel is exactly what my body and mind needs right now. Especially since we have now officially buried my grandmother's ashes. It's been a bit of a headache to sort this trip out, but I'm pretty much ready to go now. I'm definitely ready to enjoy cuddles with my gorgeous little niece who's going to be the cutest flower girl in the world. 

Speaking of family, I've also been busy doing lots of research. Since my family is... well... messy... I don't really know too much about it apart from the odd bits and pieces such as my dad's side being Hungarian and Irish. I know next to nothing about the actual Hungarian side of my family and nothing about my mother's side of the family since my grandfather was adopted after his parents died when he was young. I also promised my great-uncle (my grandfather's brother) that I'll try and locate as much of his biological family as possible, which is proving to be difficult since a lot of records were lost in a fire. But I have managed to find quite a few leads, helped by the fact that that side of the family are apparently quite famous and influential throughout history (as if I needed another blow to my self-esteem lol). Quite a few members of my family received a knighthood during the 1800s, which blew my mind. Not to mention, I also found out that I'm part Native American, which is something I never suspected in a million years. Apparently one of my great-grandfathers X12 went off and had an adventure in Virginia during the 1500s, and ended up marrying a woman from the Cheroenhaka tribe. Their kids then moved back to the UK. I definitely needed to do a double-take on that one because... damn. My ancestors really got around. I guess my history degree hasn't been completely useless after all. 

Anyway, as a result of this, I've been pretty busy. Mexico will give me the much needed break that I need. Once I return during the first week of August (and after I've recovered from jet-lag) I'll be back to writing. My goal is to update one story every week, so that way I can finally get on with writing my new fic ideas that have been waiting in the wings for goodness knows how long at this point. My update day will probably be Friday; a cheesy 'Fanfic Friday' so to speak. However, I will keep posting bits and bobs onto my blog in the mean time, so don't forget to keep an eye out for those. 

Thank you for your patience! See you all again soon!   
