Sneak Peak | Hellsing FanFiction: When Sir Integra's Not Home


Sir Integra has to go away for a few hours for an important royal conference. As a result, she is forced to leave her two pet vampires home alone. What could possibly go wrong?

With a giggle, Seras skipped her way towards the recreational area of the manor, eagerly bursting through the doors of the TV room. Her eyes sparkled greedily at the giant plasma screen that hung on the wall. A large cushioned sofa faced it, and surround sound speakers dotted every corner of the room. This was going to be great!

Seras practically threw herself onto the cushions, instantly kicking off her boots and putting her feet up before turning on the telly. There were so many shows that she wanted to catch up on, that she wasn’t sure what to go for first. There was so much she had to cram into five hours. The latest series of Bake Off was the first thing that appeared once the screen had loaded. Pretty interesting, but not her top priority. She switched to Netflix instead and began flicking through her ‘to watch’ list, hoping that none of the soldiers had messed with it. 

Eventually, the draculina settled on Black Mirror since she’d heard a few of her men raving about it. She placed the remote down on the arm of the chair and cuddled a cushion to her chest as her red eyes glued themselves to the screen. If she had still been human, she would have loved to have some popcorn or maybe even a glass of wine right now. 

Minutes passed as Seras became engrossed in the first episode, her face occasionally twisting in disgust as the plot unfolded. Just as the severed finger was discovered, the episode froze. Frowning, Seras picked up the remote, only for it to start playing again. Just as Seras placed the remote back down, everything froze again. 

Seras tutted. “Stupid internet.”

Nothing seemed to want to budge, so Seras went back to regular old TV again, disappointed that it had cut off while she had been so engrossed. Cheesy prime-time telly it was then. Oh well. Quiz shows were always fun, she supposed. 

However, the draculina only got five minutes of peaceful watch-time before the signal started to play up. This time, Seras started to grow annoyed. Hellsing manor had the latest state-of-the-art satellite disks, and the weather was clear, so why was the TV having so many issues? She attempted to change the channel, only for the entire picture to freeze. In a last ditch attempt, Seras then began banging the remote against the arm of the chair. The TV glitched before switching to…

Oh my!

Seras squeaked and blushed bright red when the sound of moaning began filling the room in all its surround sound glory. Of course her men had subscribed to porn channels! The poor flustered woman sat on her knees as she started desperately pressing buttons on the remote in hopes of changing the channel back, but the bloody thing wasn’t working! The volume turned itself up even more, and Seras didn’t think her face had ever felt so hot. She didn’t know where to look! 

One of the actors grabbed hold of their cock and Seras squeaked again, focusing down on the remote instead. Her eyes seemed to want to naturally gravitate back in morbid curiosity - no! Focus on fixing the remote! Maybe a button was stuck? Oh please, don’t be the TV itself, otherwise she would be forced to look up at it in order to fix it! But in her panic, Seras accidentally used too much of her vampire strength and snapped the remote in half. Bits of plastic went flying in all directions, and the batteries fell to the floor with a loud thump. 

“Gah!” Seras yelped as she launched herself off the sofa and towards the TV. She tried to keep looking away, but of course, she caught a glimpse of what was going on out of the corner of her eye. The guy had pulled his cock almost all the way out only to slam back in his female partner, the camera focused on it the entire time. No no no no! 

Seras finally found the plug for the TV and pulled. Finally, the picture was gone, and the room was quiet again. The vampire sighed in relief, dropping the plug to place her hands on her hot cheeks to help cool herself down. That was so weird and embarrassing. Why had the TV broken like that? It had been in perfectly good working order yesterday. Maybe she should just head back to her room and read a book or a magazine instead. 

But before the blonde vampire could even move, a low chuckle began to fill the room. 

“My my, police girl, I never realised you had such taste in entertainment.”

Seras froze, not daring to look behind her. Of course he saw. Her master always had the worst timing. So much for him sleeping in his room all evening; Seras could never be so lucky.

“To sink to such human ways of satiating one’s carnal needs.” 

“M-Master…” she stuttered pathetically. 

“If you wanted more of that -”

“Master, please!” 

Alucard chuckled again, and Seras could hear his boots squeak as he moved to sit down on the sofa that she had just been occupying. Meanwhile, Seras herself didn’t dare move. She wouldn’t be surprised if her master had purposefully messed with the TV just to embarrass her. He had so much dirt on her now. Though, she was honestly surprised that he had come to see her. She thought that after everything that had happened the other night that it would have been best if they avoided each other. But maybe her master had forgotten the whole thing completely or just saw it as one big joke? It had been one gigantic mistake, and one that would definitely never happen again. That’s all she probably ever was to him. 

“I’m going to my room,” Seras declared as she was now fighting back tears. She bit her lip as she avoided all eye contact with her master and made a beeline for the stairs to the basement. 

“Seras,” her master breathed in her ear. 

The draculina swatted at the empty air behind her before she felt something tickle the inside of her thigh. Seras gasped in surprise before tripping on the last step and almost landing flat on her face. She whipped her head around, but there was nothing but darkness behind her. Either she was imagining things or her master was playing some sort of cruel joke on her. She certainly wasn’t going to stick around and find out. So she straightened herself up before heading into her quarters, slamming her door behind her. The metal groaned, and it looked like a new crack had formed in the wall, but the female vampire couldn’t bring herself to care. 

With a sigh, she pressed her back against the door as she attempted to collect her bearings. Hopefully her master would get the message that she was in no mood to be toyed with. But then again, if her master was bored enough… She would just have to ignore him. Give him no reaction. That’s what he was after after all. She would stand her ground. 

Determined to enjoy her night off, Seras flopped into her coffin while grabbing a magazine she had left on the side. It was just a cheesy women’s gossip magazine that she was often teased for reading, but it helped Seras feel more a part of the outside world again. She didn’t really care for the lives of these celebrities and random women but more about the feeling of normality that they brought her. 

She picked up where she had left off before she sensed her master walk right through her bedroom wall. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and maintained her plan of ignoring him. Biting into her bottom lip, Seras turned the page over, her brain not really processing the words there. Her cheeks still felt slightly warm, and she was acutely aware of every movement her master made; she just hoped that all of this wasn’t obvious to him. 

Without even looking at him, she knew that he was smirking. His eyes glowed as he loomed in the dark corner of her room that her lamplight could not quite reach. Then again, her master probably absorbed all the light that reached him, just like a black hole. Seras hadn’t escaped him last time, but this time, she would. 

“You are being very rude to ignore your master, police girl,” Alucard taunted.     

Seras refused to take the bait and carried on reading. 

“You ought to be careful, or I may have to punish you.”
