Character Profile | Double Trouble: Lily Drăculea


Name: Lily Stefania Drăculea 

Birthday: Unknown

Age: 10

Species: Vampire

Gender: Female

Height: 88.9cm (2'11'')

Status: Alive

  • Princess
  • Vampire Princess
  • Little Flower

  • Hellsing (briefly)
  • House of Drăculești

  • Princess

  • Vlad Drăculea/Alucard (father)
  • Seras Victoria (mother)
  • Luna Drăculea (twin-sister)
  • Sofia Drăculea (older sister)
  • Mircea Drăculea (older brother)


Lily has extremely fair blonde hair that almost appears white in colour. Her eyes are red, and Seras comments on just how much she looks like she did herself when she was a young child. Her features are slightly softer than that of her twin-sister, Luna, but they overall look very much alike apart from hair colour. Lily also has very pale skin, round child-like features, and a button nose with shell pink lips. Although she is 10 years of age, her appearance more matches that of a typical 2-3 year-old, since vampire child age a lot slower than human children. When she first appears, she is wearing a red sleeveless dress, the length of which reached her knees, with white tights and black Mary-Jane shoes. 


Most of the time, Lily is very quiet, shy and reserved. She often keeps to herself, silently observing the world around her. She is more outwardly caring and considerate, and is also obedient for the most part. Though she possesses a typical childish sense of humour, and enjoys pranking people with her twin-sister, Lily often quickly realises when things have gone too far, and is often the voice of reason between the pair. She is usually unable to hide her own fear, but can put on a brave face when needed, especially for the people that she cares about. Though she fears a lot of her sister's pranks and jokes, she's not afraid of standing up for herself and will fight back when pushed too far, demonstrating a hidden short-temper she shares with her mother. 

Despite being on the more timid and quiet side, Lily also has a small fascination with blood and gore, and has no issues with drinking blood and harming creatures that attack her or the people she cares about. On that note, she loves and adores her family very much, and respects her parents to a high degree. Lily respects rules, and always likes to try and play fair. She gets angry when people cheat and use dirty tricks to get what they want, one of the main reasons for her arguments and clashes with Luna. 

Lily loves to read and draw, as well as play games. She especially loves it when her mother, Seras, reads to her, and she has a very active imagination. Lily's favourite stories include classic fairy tales, and different folk tales from around Europe, seemingly favouring the fantasy genre over all others. Because of this, she is sometimes viewed as a fantasist, possessing a more romantic view of her parents as king and queen of the vampire world while remaining wilfully ignorant of any pain and suffering that her family may cause. Though she is not as sadistic as her twin, she is still more-or-less apathetic towards violence and cruel punishments, viewing it as normal. Due to her love of fantasy, she often enjoys the medieval culture that her father was brought up in, and most of her games with her toys involve a medieval court-like setting. Like her siblings, Lily can speak many languages and is very educated and intelligent for her age. 


Lily is the youngest fraternal twin daughter, born to Alucard and Seras sometime in the far future. Her sister, Luna, was born just a few moments beforehand. Her lineage automatically made her a princess of vampires and of the night. She is also a descendent of the House of Drăculești on her father's side, whose members were frequent voivodes (rulers) of the Kingdom of Wallachia, a once independent region of what is now modern day Romania. It can be assumed that Luna was born deep within one of Dracula's castles, most likely in either Wallachia, Transylvania, or possibly even Moldavia. She may be the fourth child born to Alucard and Seras in the future, but its possible that she may have even more siblings that were never mentioned. Due to her age, it can be assumed that Luna and Lily are currently the youngest since female vampires are only fertile a few times a century. 

While growing up, Lily's upbringing would have been typical of all vampire children. She was hidden away in what vampires refer to as a 'nest'. This is a hidden location where vampire families reside and raise their children and protect them until they are almost fully-grown. An innate instinct kicks in that makes them extremely protective of their young, so until the events of Double Trouble, Lily never would have seen the outside world. Despite being powerful, vampire children are vulnerable and easy prey to other vampires and creatures of the night. Due to her parentage, Lily would quickly be sought after to either be used as a weapon, bargaining chip, or be simply murdered on sight. A witch, an enemy of Seras, frequently vows revenge by utilising the royal vampire children somehow. 

Lily was raised by only her parents, and growing up in hiding never bothered her, as is the case for vampire children. She is frequently kept occupied through education and games, and spends most of the time playing with her siblings. As the youngest, Lily is often viewed as the baby of the family, something that she voices her displeasure towards occasionally. It makes her feel slightly smothered, especially due to her more introverted personality. A lot of the time, she likes to play by herself, especially when her siblings are becoming too rowdy. She especially loves playing with dolls and soft toys.

From the moment she is born, Lily is taught to control her vampire abilities, as well as how to defend herself. She is educated in languages, music, history, geography, maths, and many other subjects. From an early age, Lily formed a love for stories and fantasy. As a result, Alucard would sometimes teach her about courtly etiquette in medieval Wallachia, and this is something she really enjoys bonding with her father over. She makes Seras tell her a bedtime story every night, and unless she is really tired, she struggles to fall asleep without one.    

As a born vampire, Lily will continue to age slowly, with natural born vampires typically taking around 100 years to fully mature. As she gets older, she will slowly be allowed out into the world where she will be automatically powerful and respected as a vampire princess, and daughter of Dracula, the first ever and most powerful vampire. However, she will likely stay close to her family, as vampires have very close familial bonds, something which Integra likens to a pack of wolves.  

  • Increased speed, strength, and agility.
  • Regenerating abilities; faster/better healing.
  • Immortality.
  • Allure - draw-in prey.
  • Shape-shifting.
  • Hypnotism/mind control.
  • Conjuring illusions.
  • Advanced senses (sight, sound, smell etc.)
  • Third eye abilities. 
  • Shadow control.
  • Phasing. 

  • The name 'Lily' is of Latin origin, and often symbolises devotion and purity. It is also the flower traditionally associated with death and re-birth - very much like vampires. 
  • The decision to have her age slower was due to the fact that most stories that include vampire children typically have them age quicker than humans. I wanted to try something different. 
  • Technically, Lily has many other older deceased siblings from Alucard's time as a human. This also means that she is distantly related to many royal families within Europe.
  • Lily may possibly be one of the first sets of vampire twins ever born. 
  • Her personality is actually a small nod to the reported personality of Vlad Dracula during his reign. He was actually reported to be 'kind' and 'just', but had an obsession with law, order, and morality. Even the smallest crimes or acts of rudeness would result in harsh punishment. Lily's obsession with rules and her more obedient personality was inspired by this.
  • Her favourite blood type is O negative.
  • Lily's favourite fairy tale is The Goose Girl.
  • Lily was created with the intention of being the yang to Luna's yin; twins that were opposites but also complimented each other since I thought the identical twin idea would be too cliché and on the boring side.  
  • Her character's base appearance and personality was very loosely inspired by the character Kanna, from the manga/anime Inuyasha.
  • Due to her popularity, I may create a mini series in the future featuring Lily and Luna and their many silly adventures together, allowing more of an insight into future Alucard and Seras as well. 
  • Since Luna was essentially supposed to be a mini Alucard, Lily became a mini Seras. However, they are very much like both parents in a lot of ways.
  • Lily is not yet old enough to possess a familiar. This ability will surface when she is around 50 years-old. In the meantime, she is very close with her father's familiar, Baskerville. Parents' familiars are just as fiercely protective of their charges' offspring. 
  • Her favourite animal is the butterfly, and she often manifests them in her games. 
