Character Profile | Double Trouble: Luna Drăculea


Name: Luna Alexandra Drăculea 

Birthday: Unknown

Age: 10

Species: Vampire

Gender: Female

Height: 88.9cm (2'11'')

Status: Alive

  • Princess
  • Vampire Princess
  • Little Monster
  • Alucard Jr.
  • Mini Alucard

  • Hellsing (briefly)
  • House of Drăculești

  • Princess

  • Vlad Drăculea/Alucard (father)
  • Seras Victoria (mother)
  • Lily Drăculea (twin-sister)
  • Sofia Drăculea (older sister)
  • Mircea Drăculea (older brother)


Luna has the appearance of a small girl, with incredibly pale skin, red eyes, and long thick inky black hair. Although being 10 years-old, she more resembles the typical height and physical development of a 2 to 3 year-old, since vampire children age slower than mortal children. She also has a button nose, shell pink lips, and typical childish chubbiness and rounded features. Out of the twins, she appears to look the most like Alucard. When found by Seras, Luna was wearing a dark purple dress that fell to her knees, with black tights and black Mary-Jane shoes. 


Luna is incredibly playful and outgoing, but also possesses a sadistic streak. She finds blood and gore fascinating, and she frequently enjoys physically and mentally torturing any creature that happens to be around her. This behaviour can sometimes extend towards her siblings, especially her twin sister, Lily. It is revealed that Luna threatens Lily's toys, often cheats in games, chases, and gets into fights. However, Luna does love her siblings a great deal, seeming especially close with her twin, whom she is very protective of, as well as her older sister, Sofia, the only person she will let touch her hair. Luna is also a very stubborn and difficult child, and tends to hate strangers invading her personal space, and doesn't like it when people touch her hair, whether be it brushing or washing. The actual reason for this is revealed to be because 'people pull on it too hard', suggesting she is actually more sensitive than she originally appears. 

Furthermore, Luna is also confident and blunt; she says whatever is on her mind. She appears to share her father's sense of humour, especially regarding annoying Sir Integra. Although very intelligent, she pretends to be much wiser than she actually is, taking charge in situations and insisting that she knows what is best, even though she actually doesn't fully understand the situation. She is daring to the point of recklessness, but underneath, she often is just a frightened child. She has a hard time taking responsibility for her actions, and lashes out when feeling angered or scared. She greatly loves and admires her parents, and her family is overall very important to her.

Despite her lack of physical development, her mental development is much more advanced for a child of her age. She is able to speak clearly and eloquently, both in English and other languages. As well as English, Luna can speak the old language and dialect of Wallachia, as well as modern day Romanian. It is also implied that she is fluent and currently in the process of learning many other languages. She is fascinated by the world around her, often exploring every detail of any new surrounding she finds herself in. She also loves history, particularly military history, and enjoys listening to Alucard's stories of war and massacre, much to Seras' chagrin. When she grows up, she wants to be just as powerful as her parents and rule the dark world of monsters with them. 


Luna is the oldest fraternal twin daughter, born to Alucard and Seras sometime in the far future. Her sister, Lily, was born just a few moments afterward. Her lineage automatically made her a princess of vampires and of the night. She is also a descendent of the House of Drăculești on her father's side, whose members were frequent voivodes (rulers) of the Kingdom of Wallachia, a once independent region of what is now modern day Romania. It can be assumed that Luna was born deep within one of Dracula's castles, most likely in either Wallachia, Transylvania, or possibly even Moldavia. She may be the third child born to Alucard and Seras in the future, but its possible that she may have even more siblings that were never mentioned. Due to her age, it can be assumed that Luna and Lily are currently the youngest since female vampires are only fertile a few times a century. 

While growing up, Luna's upbringing would have been typical of all vampire children. She was hidden away in what vampires refer to as a 'nest'. This is a hidden location where vampire families reside and raise their children and protect them until they are almost fully-grown. An innate instinct kicks in that makes them extremely protective of their young, so until the events of Double Trouble, Luna never would have seen the outside world. Despite being powerful, vampire children are vulnerable and easy prey to other vampires and creatures of the night. Due to her parentage, Luna would quickly be sought after to either be used as a weapon, bargaining chip, or be simply murdered on sight. A witch, an enemy of Seras, frequently vows revenge by utilising the royal vampire children somehow. 

Luna was raised strictly by her parents, only having contact with them and her siblings. However, growing up in hiding never really bothered Luna, as vampire children are often kept occupied with education and games. They are usually instinctively too scared to leave the nest anyway. From visions and shared dreams that Seras experiences with them, Luna appears to be growing up with everything that she could ever need. Her parents teach her and train her, and many of the lessons are presented in the form of games (hide and seek etc.) to help grow and improve her natural abilities. 

She grows up as the trouble-maker of the family, and frequently pranks her parents and siblings, with her twin sister being her favourite target. However, she would never go so far as to truly hurt somebody that she loved. Though her antics may seem harsh and horrific by human standards, for vampires, it is more akin to typical childhood shenanigans and hijinks. But as well as vampire abilities, Luna is also taught to read, write, speak many languages, music, history, geography, maths, and many other subjects.

As a born vampire, Luna will continue to age slowly, with natural born vampires typically taking around 100 years to fully mature. As she gets older, she will slowly be allowed out into the world where she will be automatically powerful and respected as a vampire princess, and daughter of Dracula, the first ever and most powerful vampire. However, she will likely stay close to her family, as vampires have very close familial bonds, something which Integra likens to a pack of wolves.  

  • Increased speed, strength, and agility.
  • Regenerating abilities; faster/better healing.
  • Immortality.
  • Allure - draw-in prey.
  • Shape-shifting.
  • Hypnotism/mind control.
  • Conjuring illusions.
  • Advanced senses (sight, sound, smell etc.)
  • Third eye abilities. 
  • Shadow control.
  • Phasing. 

  • 'Luna' is the Latin word for 'moon'. The moon is often associated with lunacy, something that Luna tends to regularly display. I also like to imagine it as a reference to Alucard's love of the moon and the night.
  • The decision to have her age slower was due to the fact that most stories that include vampire children typically have them age quicker than humans. I wanted to try something different. 
  • Technically, Luna has many other older deceased siblings from Alucard's time as a human. This also means that she is distantly related to many royal families within Europe.
  • Luna may possibly be one of the first sets of vampire twins ever born. 
  • Her fascination with blood and gore was no doubt passed down to her from Alucard.
  • Luna favours no particular branch of Christianity, viewing it as 'all the same.' Traditionally, she would have been baptized within the Eastern Orthodox faith as this was the favoured religion of Wallachia. However, it's entirely possible she could have been raised Catholic, as Vlad Dracula was originally a Catholic. But if Luna was actually baptized, the holy water, though not deadly, would be incredibly painful for her. 
  • Her favourite blood type is AB positive.
  • Luna displays disgust towards weaker vampires, just like her father.
  • Her character was inspired by me originally imagining what a child of Alucard would actually be like. She was originally the first character created and was supposed to be an only-child. She was basically a mini Alucard (and still technically is to an extent). I find sassy kids hilarious, and I just knew that anything Alucard spawned would be a handful. 
  • Luna appears to be the most popular character from the story.
  • Due to her popularity, I may create a mini series in the future featuring Lily and Luna and their many silly adventures together, allowing more of an insight into future Alucard and Seras as well. 
  • Her stubbornness regarding her hair was inspired by my own protectiveness of my hair as a child - though not to Luna's extreme degree.
  • Luna is not yet old enough to possess a familiar. This ability will surface when she is around 50 years-old. In the meantime, she is very close with her father's familiar, Baskerville. Parents' familiars are just as fiercely protective of their charges' offspring. 
